Cookie Policy

  1. Introduction
    1. This Cookie Policy applies to the collection, use and processing of Cookies, collected by Yarzin-Sella Group Ltd, a company registered in Israel, and its Subsidiaries, as defined below (Yarzin-Sella Group Ltd. and the Subsidiaries, together: „Yarzin Sella„, „we„, „us„, „our„), regarding your use of the website (the „Website„).In this Cookie Policy, „Subsidiaries” means: Yarzin Sella SARL; Yarzin Sella UG; YS UKR; Yarzin Sella BUH; Yarzin Sella INC; Yarzin Sella Poland S.P.Z.O.O; Yarzin Sella BE; Yarzin Sella B.V.; Yarzin Sella Spain S.L.; D.O.O. Yarzin Sella
    2. Yarzin Sella collection, use and processing of Personal Data, including Personal Data collected via Cookies and/ or similar or related technologies (inter alia, tracking technologies) („Cookies„), will be in accordance with the applicable law (including, if applicable, Israel’s Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, and the regulations under it, including but not limited to the Protection of Privacy (Data Security) Regulations, 5717-2017 and any guidance issued by Israel’s Privacy Protection Authority („Israel’s Data Protection Laws„), and/ or any other relevant applicable regulation), and also with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”)..
    3. In the event of a conflict between the applicable law or the GDPR, and the provisions specified in this Cookie Policy, the applicable law and/ or the GDPR, will prevail. Even if stated otherwise in this Cookie Policy – (1) Yarzin Sella will act and/or grant rights to the Data Subject, as defined in the Website Privacy Policy ( regarding the collection, processing, securing and/or sharing of the Personal Data, in accordance with the applicable law and the GDPR, and/or if such actions and/or rights are required by the applicable law and/ or the GDPR. (2) Yarzin Sella will not be obliged to any commitments regarding the collection, processing, securing and/or sharing of the Personal Data, other than those in which it is obligated in accordance with the applicable law and/ or the GDPR. In case of a conflict between the applicable law and the GDPR, the provisions which provide the Data Subjects a greater protection of their right for privacy, will prevail
  2. We may use Cookies to recognize you, to understand what products and/ or services offer by us may interest the Website visitors, to make the Website function for you and/ or suit you, and to help your browsing experience and use of the Website feel more customized. We divide Cookies that we may use into categories depending on their function and purpose as described in the following.
  3. First- and Third-Party Cookies
    1. First-party Cookies are Cookies that may be set by us, which may be stored by the Website and are intended to improve your use in the Website. First Party Cookies may also be Cookies in connection with our content that appear on third-party services.
    2. Third Party Cookies are Cookies which may be set by third party, such as technology providers, advertisers, analytics companies and/or other third parties which are independent from us.  Please visit the websites of the third-party providers to obtain further information on how they use the Cookies.
  4. Security and Authentication (Strictly Necessary Cookies)Some Cookies may be strictly necessary and vital to ensuring that the Website work properly for visitors, such as maintaining the security, safety, and integrity of the Website and/ or authentication (including remembering permissions and consents you have granted). Without these Cookies, our Website may not work properly. Accordingly, we are not asking you for your specific consent for those Cookies. For all other Cookies your informed consent is required.
  5. User Preferences (Functional/ Persistent Cookies)
    1. We may use Functional Cookies to remember your preferences and/ or settings you have selected during your use of the Website, for purposes of functionality and personalization. Such Cookies may be set by us, or by third parties operating on our behalf.
    2. We may also use Persistent Cookies for a variety of purposes including remembering your preferences and choices when using the Website. Such Cookies may remain stored in your device until it reaches a defined expiration date.
  6. Marketing Services (Targeting Cookies)Targeting Cookies may be placed on your device by us (or service providers operating on our behalf). Additionally, we may partner with third-party service providers that may use Targeting Cookies to permit us and them to learn about what ads you see and click when you visit the Website, or to show you ads on and off the Website.
  7. Performance and Analytics (Analytics/Performance Cookies)
  8. Some Cookies may help provide performance data on how the Website is functioning in order to improve the Website and help us understand how the Website is used by our visitors. We may use Audience Measurement Cookies which may include analytics technologies, in order to assist us with the performance of the Website, inter alia, by third parties, such as Google Analytics. Social NetworksSome Cookies may help you to interact with social networks you are signed into while using the Website, such as sharing content with the social network, logging in with the social network, and other features you employ with the social network, or that are allowed in the social network’s privacy policy. These may be set and controlled by the social networks, and your preferences with those social networks.
  9. The table below explains the Cookies we may use and why.





    2 years

    Google Analytics – Used to distinguish users.


    2 years

    Google Analytics – Used to persist session state.



    Tests that the browser accepts cookies.


    1 year

    Used to persist a user’s wp-admin configuration.


    1 year

    Used to persist a user’s locale configuration.


  10. You are not obliged to accept a cookie and you can modify your browser so that it will not accept Cookies. Most internet browsers allow you to: (i) change your browser settings to notify you when you receive a cookie, which lets you choose whether or not to accept it; (ii) to disable existing Cookies; or (iii) to set your browser to automatically reject any Cookies.
  11. Please be aware that certain portions of the Website may not work properly for you, or provide personalized or customized content, if you take these steps.
  12. We may change this Cookie Policy from time to time, inter alia, if such change is necessary according to future applicable regulation changes or updates. Please update periodically in this Cookie Policy.